Patient: Amelia Comstock
Presents to clinic complaining of fatigue
Complaint: Fatigue
Patient: Jessica Ellis
Evaluation of hand pain
Complaint: Extremity Pain
Patient: Dorothy Ferguson
Evaluation of memory loss
Complaint: Memory Loss
Patient: Roger Godolski
Being seen for evaluation of abdominal pain
Complaint: Abdominal Pain
Patient: Sarah Moore
Evaluation of fatigue
Complaint: Fatigue
Patient: Daniel Roberts
Complaining of weakness in right arm
Complaint: Weakness
Patient: Michael Sinha
Evaluation of knee pain
Complaint: Extremity Pain
Patient: Herman Swedlund
Presents with severe chest pain
Complaint: Chest Pain
Patient: Carey Thomas
Being seen for evaluation of numbness in feet and legs
Complaint: Numbness & Tingling
Patient: Donna Vitelli
Mrs. Vitelli presents to the office complaining of low back pain.
Complaint: Low Back Pain